Local Centre Competitions
Gala Days
Many Centres around NSW host gala days which provide an opportunity for all athletes to gain experience competing at other venues and against athletes from other clubs in a less stressful environment. Commonly the host Centre notifies it’s surrounding Centre’s the Gala dates, events and entry forms, and where additional information can be found on the host Centre’s website/Facebook page.
If your Centre is planning on hosting a Gala Day please fill out the form below.
A Scamper is a gala day providing an opportunity for our littlest athletes-Tiny Tots to U7 to play games, training drills and socialise with other athletes their age. With free entry, commonly the host Centre notifies it’s surrounding Centre’s the Scamper dates, events and entry forms, and where additional information can be found on the host Centre’s website/facebook page.
If your Centre is planning on hosting a Scamper Day please fill out the form below.
Gala Day Notification Form
Is your Centre hosting a Gala Day?
Let us know so that we can assist with promotion.
Please submit by the 15th of the month prior to your Gala Day.
Championship and Competition Information & Forms
This section has information for Centres regarding Zone Entries, Relay Entries, Meet Manager information, Requirements to hosting an event and Management Forms.
Please click HERE to be redirected to this information.